NAIP Intensive Programme 2017

The NAIP Intensive Programme (IP) 2017 will be held 25 August – 3 September in Hafnarfjörður in Iceland, hosted by Iceland Academy of the Arts. The course is a collaboration of the institutions taking part in the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership NAIP: Training Artists Without Borders. This is the 8th NAIP IP, which is a part of the NAIP collaborative master programme, focusing on building up a strong network amongst the NAIP partners and the enhancement of personal skills, self-confidence, community engagement, collaboration skills, peer evaluation and reflection. This year’s course has a focus on creative collaborative learning approaches in a cross-art setting. This entails working with cross-art collaboration, including skills such as developing concepts, stories, design, performance and dialogue with the community.

The course will take place in Hafnarfjörður, a neighbouring town of Reykjavík. It is situated about 30 minutes from Keflavík Airport. Students and staff will be accommodated around the centre of the town and the main working location will be the music school of Hafnarfjörður (also in the centre). In addition to this, students will have the opportunity to create collaborations with various locales in the community.

The program will start with introductory workshops led by teachers from the participating institutions. The group will also participate in some site-specific workshops, for example relating to the theme of elf-believe now and then. This workshop will include visiting elf-rocks and enchanted places to discover their history and their effects on urban planning, culture and daily-life of locals for hundreds of years. Participants will sense the connection between people and nature in the town, get to known the town, while opening the door to the veiled world of elves, ghosts and other hidden beings. Following the workshops, students will work on their own projects in interdisciplinary groups and will have access to all the course’s teachers will be available for mentoring and participating in the students’ projects.
